6 Australian Shipping Ports 🚧
Package: ports.
How do we get insights into any data that we might collect? Over and over again we discover that when we visualise our data in some way we see things that are simply not so visible trawling through tables of numbers. Visualisations of our data is such a crucial step in gaining insight into the data. This MLHub package illustrates a variety of plots that bring our data alive.
The examples presented through the ports package comes from Chapter 5 of the Essentials of Data Science with the data available from Togaware as an Excel spreadsheet. This is real data and the plots presented here are based on the plots presented in an actual policy report from the Australian Government: Ports: Job generation in a context of regional development, Australian Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics.
To install, configure, and demonstrate the package:
Your donation will support ongoing availability and give you access to the PDF version of this book. Desktop Survival Guides include Data Science, GNU/Linux, and MLHub. Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science. Popular open source software includes rattle, wajig, and mlhub. Hosted by Togaware, a pioneer of free and open source software since 1984. Copyright © 1995-2022 Graham.Williams@togaware.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0