26.5 hugging summarize
Summarise the content of a post on the Internet:
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864
Note the first time this may download the models if they have yet to be downloaded.
The new webb image also clearly shows Neptune's fainter dust bands.
Some of the planet's rings have not been detected since 1989.
Webb's images show the ice giant in a whole new light.
Summarise another post on the Internet:
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-16/morrison-secret-ministerial-appointments-legal-or-not-icac/101318718
Former ICAC assistant commissioner says many questions remain unanswered.
He hinted that there could be more ministries that Mr Morrison secretly appointed himself to.
Independent crossbencher said she was alarmed by the secret appointments.
Use BART rather than the default t5-small summary model:
ml summarize hugging --mode=bart https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-16/morrison-secret-ministerial-appointments-legal-or-not-icac/101318718
Scott Morrison's secret ministerial appointments likely legal and outside federal ICAC remit, experts say.
Independent MPs say the former prime minister's actions should be investigated by a federal integrity body.
A former NSW ICAC assistant commissioner says many questions remain unanswered.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is expected to provide an update today after receiving briefings from the.
Use in a pipeline to get the sentiment of the first sentence:
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864 | head -1 | ml sentiment hugging
Or do this for all sentences
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864 | xargs -I@ bash -c 'ml sentiment hugging @'
$ ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864 | head -1 > tmp.txt
$ ml sentiment hugging tmp.txt
Choice of Model
Default is t5-small
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864
The new webb image also clearly shows Neptune's fainter dust bands.
Some of the planet's rings have not been detected since 1989.
Webb's images show the ice giant in a whole new light.
We can instead choose BART:
ml summarize hugging https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/nasa-releases-clearest-view-of-neptunes-rings-in-decades/101466864 --model=bart
NASA releases clearest view of Neptune's rings in decades.
James Webb Space Telescope captures the clearest views of Neptune in more than 30 years.
Some of the planet's rings have not been detected since NASA's Voyager 2 became the first spacecraft to observe Neptune during its flyby in 1989.
Other options are t5-large (3GB model) and t5-base (900MB model).
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