26 Hugging Face 🚧
Package: hugging by Shashank Gummuluru and Graham Williams.
The Hugging Face initiative is an extensive repository of pre-built deep learning models that are made freely available through Python. Models range from natural language understanding through to computer vision. There is a wealth of capability provided for the developer and data scientist.
This MLHub package, hugging, demonstrates some of the capability of the Hugging Face repository, using the command line framework of MLHub. Our goal is for you to be able to explore the features and decide whether it is worth further exploration.
To install, configure, and demonstrate the package:
ml install gjwgit/hugging
ml configure hugging
ml readme hugging
ml commands hugging
ml demo hugging
In addition to the demo command the package supports sentiment, and summarize. The first time you run these commands the rather large model files may be downloaded. This can take some time, but should be required just once.
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