22.3 azspeech demo
The demo for azspeech is a showcase of the functionality of the Azure Speech service. It begins by checking for a Azure subscription key and then begins listening through your microphone for you to speak something.
$ ml demo azspeech
Speech Services
Welcome to a demo of the pre-built models for Speech provided through
Azure's Cognitive Services. The Speech cloud service supports speech
to text and text to speech capabilities.
The following file has been found and is assumed to contain an Azure
subscription key and location for Speech. We will load
the file and use this information.
Press Enter and then say something:
> Recognized: Welcome to a demo of the prebuilt models speech provided
> through Azure as cognitive services. The speech cloud service provides
> speech to text and text to speech capabilities.
Press Enter to continue:
Now type text to be spoken. When Enter is pressed you will hear the result.
> Welcome to a demo of the prebuilt models for speech.
The first paragraph from the above text was read for this demo and the Azure Speech to Text service was handed the recorded audio which it mostly accurately transcribed.
Next, you are invited to type some text and have it synthesized.Β The result is sent through to the system speakers.
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