24.5 aztranslate translate other scripts
Support for many different language scripts is provided. Here the input is Hindi being translated to English.
$ ml translate aztranslate सभी मनुष्यों को गौरव और अधिकारों के मामले में जन्मजात स्वतन्त्रता और समानता प्राप्त
hi,1.0,en,All human beings have innate freedom and equality in terms of pride and rights
If no arguments are supplied then an interactive loop is activated, so simply enter text. It is sent off for translation when you press the Enter key. Finish with Control-D. Here we manage to input a few different scripts.
$ ml translate aztranslate
zh-Hant,1.0,en,Wear mom's cloth shoes.
Un'enciclopedia libera e multilingue.
it,1.0,en,A free and multilingual encyclopedia.
उप्र, पंजाब और हरियाणा में मानसून की दस्तक, अन्य राज्यों में कैसा रहेगा मौसम का हाल
hi,1.0,en,Monsoon knocks in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, what will be the weather situation in other states
Check out the supported command for a list of all the different languages and the wonderful variety of scripts from across the world.
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