23.6 aztext entities 🚧
Named Entity Recognition
The entities command identifies the entities from the text together with other information, including the type of entity and a Wikipedia link. For each entity identified the output consists of a single line reporting the entity name, the type of entity and sub-type, the confidence of the type of entity, the offset to the entity in the original text, then text length of the entity, the Wikipedia confidence, language, entity name, and URL.
$ ml entities aztext I had a wonderful trip to Seattle last week and even visited the Space Needle 2 times!
last week,DateTime,DateRange,0.80,34,9,,,,
Space Needle,Location,,0.80,65,12,0.39,en,Space Needle,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Needle
Space Needle,Organization,,0.94,65,12,,,,
As part of a command line we could count the number of unique entities in the text:
$ ml entities aztext I had a wonderful trip to Seattle last week and even visited the Space Needle 2 times! |
cut -d, -f1 |
sort -u |
wc -l
How many unique locations are identified in the text:
$ ml entities aztext I had a wonderful trip to Seattle last week and even visited the Space Needle 2 times! |
awk -F, '$2=="Location"{print}' |
cut -d, -f1 |
sort -u |
wc -l
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