7.13 kmeans pipeline

20220220 As with all mlhub commands, a goal is to provide powerful combinations of commands through pipelines. We might process a csv file through a number of steps, for example to normalise the columns, to then pipe the csv file into the train command followed by the predict command to output a csv file with each observation labelled with a cluster number.

cat iris.csv | ml train kmeans 3 | ml predict kmeans iris.csv

The output will be something like:


The pipeline can go one step further to visualise the clustering:

cat iris.csv | ml train kmeans 3 | ml predict kmeans iris.csv | ml visualise kmeans

This will popup a window to display the clustering result.

TODO: Include the resulting plot here.

A pipeline including normalise can be illustrated with the wine.csv dataset from Section 7.14:

cat wine.csv | 
  ml normalise kmeans |
  tee norm.csv |
  ml train kmeans 4 |
  ml predict kmeans norm.csv |
  mlr --csv cut -f label |
  paste -d"," wine.csv - 

Here after normalising the input dataset the result is saved to a file norm.csv using tee whilst piping the same data on to the next command (to train a clustering). We save to file since we’d like to predict the clusters for each of the normalised observations, then map them back to the original observations. This is accomplished using a combination of mlr to cut the label column from the csv output from the predict command, and then we paste that label column to the original wine.csv.

The output is something like:


Once again we can visualise the result as part of the pipeline, whilst also using tee to also save the clustering to file:

cat wine.csv | 
  ml normalise kmeans |
  tee norm.csv |
  ml train kmeans 4 |
  ml predict kmeans norm.csv |
  mlr --csv cut -f label |
  paste -d"," wine.csv - |
  tee clustering.csv |
  ml visualise kmeans

TODO: Include the resulting plot here.

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